
Updating XML files with PowerShell

Say you have the following file.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <item name="Item 1" id="0" />
  <item name="Item 2" id="1001" />
  <item name="Item 3" id="0" />
  <item name="Item 4" id="1002" />
  <item name="Item 5" id="1005" />
  <item name="Item 6" id="0" />

And you want to replace all those "0" id attributes with incremental values.

If you have PowerShell, this can be accomplished pretty easily with the following commands:

$xml = New-Object xml
$i = 2001; foreach ($item in $xml.data.item) { if ($item.id -eq 0) { $item.id = [string]$i; $i++ } }

Now your output (updated.xml) looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <item name="Item 1" id="2001" />
  <item name="Item 2" id="1001" />
  <item name="Item 3" id="2002" />
  <item name="Item 4" id="1002" />
  <item name="Item 5" id="1005" />
  <item name="Item 6" id="2003" />
