
Applying a series of Debian patches to an original source

Say you have a nice original source package, as well as bunch of extra Debian patches, which you want to apply to that source (for instance, you may want to compile Debian's grub 2.00-22 using the tarballs you picked here.

However, since Debian uses quilt, or whatever it's called, to automate the application of a series of patches, and you either don't have it on your system or don't want to bother with it (since you're only interested in the patches), you end up wanting to apply all the files from the patches directory of the .debian addon, and there's of course no way you'll want to do that manually.

The solution: Copy the patches/ directory from the Debian addon to the root of your orig source, and run the following shell script.

while read p; do
  patch -p1 < ./patches/$p
done < ./patches/series

By Grabthar's hammer, what a timesaver!

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